Being in the middle of setting up a business running workshops seems the perfect timing to talk about motivation.
The motivation to create, to get up very early in the morning to start working on this life changing plan and the motivation to decline invites from friends to go out so I can save money and focus on what is important to me in the future. It is so easy to get distracted in life and only internal motivation and being convinced I want to do this keeps me focused.
Art and Motivation
On one of my morning runs this week I was listening to Andy Puddicombe who was a guest host on the Nike running club app talking about motivation. For people who are unfamiliar with Andy, he is one of the co-creators of the meditation app Headspace and a motivational speaker. Check him out on the headspace website. Anyway, Andy made the point that when you are looking for the motivation to do something, you have not actually lost that motivation. Your mind might be clouded with doubts, fears and distractions, but the sheer fact that you are looking for motivation means it is still there behind all the buzz.
The podcast I was listening to was about the motivation to sport but I believe this is equally applicable to creating art. Many people I know would love to draw, paint or sketch but stop themselves from doing so because they listen to the little voice in their heads telling them that they are not good enough. I think this is such a shame as the reason to creating art is not only to have a beautiful result but mostly because the process of creating can be a mindful activity with benefits similar to meditation.
If you are one of those people looking to find motivation to draw, look no further and try this little exercise. Pick up a sharpie and just start doodling. Do not focus on the final result but keep experimenting with different shapes. How does the movement of your pen feel on the paper, do you enjoy making thin lines or colour a whole section in.

This is a drawing I made this afternoon and if you are looking for some more inspiration it is worth looking on google for Zentangle. There is nothing wrong with looking at others pictures for inspiration to draw, especially if it helps you enjoy the process instead of worrying over having to think of what shape to make next.
If the above has given you a taste of creating – check out the Makings section of this website and see if there is a class you would like to try out. The classes are suitable for all levels and it really does not matter if it is the first time you pick up a pencil or of you are a professional artist. There is always something to learn and the main aim is to enjoy creating together. Art and Motivation are so connected. Let me know what you think and I would love to see your creations too!